Lenné3D was commissioned by Leibniz Universität Hannover as part of the AgroForNet research project to visualise landscape scenarios with short rotation coppice (SRC). For the evaluation of landscape changes, fast-growing woody plants in four Central European landscape types were modelled and visualised as examples. In the process, a total of more than 50 images of different scenarios and perspectives were created on behalf of the Institute for Environmental Planning of the Leibniz University of Hanover for a survey in the AgroForNet research project.
The study investigates people’s personal preferences with regard to landscape changes caused by short rotation coppice (SRC). The central object of investigation is the question of how SRC can best be integrated into the landscape. The viewer assesses the compatibility of SRC in four different landscape types via visualisations.
A heath landscape, a forest landscape, a landscape rich in grassland as well as agricultural landscapes with few and many structures were modelled in 3D. In the scenarios, both the area of the plantations and the type of cultivation of fast-growing hybrid poplars of different ages vary. From the pedestrian perspective, other factors such as the distance to the path or the planting of a hedge or flowering strip can be evaluated.