Lenné3D was commissioned by the City of Freiburg to create a 3D model of the Bohrertal in Freiburg, based on the plans of ERNST+Co. (Freiburg), created a 3D model of the Bohrertal in Freiburg for visualisation purposes, including different location variants of the planned flood retention basin. The simulation of flood retention basins was carried out partly as a photo simulation and partly as a virtual car drive through the project area.
A virtual 3D landscape model was built from terrain, land use and project data, which could be used as a basis for all views and animations to be simulated. The change in the valley landscape caused by the planned flood retention basin, for example, was depicted in a virtual drive along national road 124.
Individual significant views of the planned structures, were created as photo-based simulations. The representations were used by the clients to assess the impact of the project on the landscape and the scenery.